Jewellery inspired by the miniature creatures of the Antarctic Ocean…now that’s unique.
Oceanides is a striking range of jewels designed by Marine Scientist Karin Beaumont, she aims to open people’s eyes to the diversity, beauty and importance of microscopic marine life. Delicate patterns, carefully considered styles and lovely materials mean that the
Oceanides label is not only scientifically savvy, but also stunning.
Do you have a day job, if so what is it?
I’m an Antarctic Voyage Leader and Tasmanian Tour Guide.
When did your business begin and why?
Oceanides was born from a fascination with the stunning microscopic patterns and forms I observed during my PhD research in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean. Instantly inspired, I created my first piece of metal sculpture in the diesel mechanics workshop at Davis Station, Antarctica. This was a seed for later completing a Diploma in Art, Craft, Design in 2006 and the evolution of my label ‘Oceanides’ meaning ‘beauties of the sea’. The aim of my business has been to open people’s eyes to the diversity, beauty and importance of microscopic marine life though the uniquely personal medium of jewellery.
Inspiration/design aesthetic?
My designs inspired by nature, yet it is a side of nature most people don’t get to see: a scientists view of the ocean, of creatures magnified 1000 times. Some designs are inspired directly by a particular pattern while others are more abstract yet, somehow, may appear oddly familiar. In my latest range, I return to my favourite material, sterling silver. The Ocean Planet series is inspired by both the physical landscapes of both Antarctica and Tasmania and their microscopic marine life. This range is designed to be accessible to both women and men. The designs are simple and abstract incorporating negative space so the clothing and body become part of the design.
Designers you admire?
Scandinavian design in general, and several Korean jewellery designers, Marian Hosking, Julie Blyfield, Khai Liew, Sally Brown and Linda Fredheim.
What is your favourite part of Tasmania?
The North-East coast (Bay of Fires) and the South West coast – two totally different climates and environments on the one island! I love the north-east for it’s beaches, lichen-covered rocks, turquoise waters, and dry sclerophyll forest. The south-west I love for its ruggedness, it’s wild, wet, changeable weather and raw beauty of the great southern ocean that pounds the coast.
What do you love about what you do...and any little gripes or niggles?
I love seeing patterns, forms and composing ideas, and then transposing these ideas into tangible three-dimensional objects. I enjoy resolving a design: ‘solving the puzzle’ of turning an object into something functional and wearable. I also get a real buzz when people appreciate the inspiration and story behind the design as well as the overall aesthetic and functionality of the piece.
What can our lovely customers expect to see you exhibiting?
My Aluma cuff bracelets in anodised aluminium – a design I am very proud of due to its widespread appeal from 18 to 80 year olds! My ‘silica shard’ silver earrings, ‘cocco’ powder-coated coloured rings, and my more recent and abstract ‘Ocean Planet’ range of matt silver jewellery, including pendants, brooches, and unisex lapel / tie pins, all inspired by unique microscopic marine life.
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